How are the best achievements accomplished?

A question often raised when someone does something remarkable is, “How did you do it?”. The answer is often, “I don’t know, I just did.”.

The reason for this answer is that one cannot describe the situation with words because usually, the mind wasn’t involved in the action and the action was thought-free. One might understand that the action came from instinct, was natural to them or came from consciousness. Whatever words are used to explain the reason, the common thread is that the action wasn’t performed using the mind.

Often, these great achievements are preceded by repeating the situation multiple times and when the opportunity comes, one just nails it. However, in cases of emergencies for example, the situation might occur for the first time. The mind has an important role in these preparatory tasks, such as planning, analyzing, information gathering, etc.

Take a salesperson or artist as an example. When they are at their best, the sales pitch or creation just comes from somewhere without pondering. However, this moment is preceded by learning the product or painting technique in which the mind is involved.

Because the mind—or actually, the absence of the mind—has a significant impact on achievements, mental coaching is popular. Virkee doesn’t offer coaching, but we provide effective training for active doers to improve their performance in their actions. Take a look!

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