The best investment I have ever made for myself

Those who have learned to master their minds, without exception, declare that it has been the best investment they have ever made for themselves. Why? Because life becomes much easier after that.

Let’s use Henry Ford’s clever realization: “Nothing is particularly hard if you break it into small jobs” and break the process of mastering one’s mind into small pieces to better understand what it means:

  • First, understand what mastering one’s mind means: being able to notice your own thoughts and feelings and decide what to do with them.
  • How to notice thoughts and feelings: experience that you are not your mind; your mind is within you. This experience happens by being true self. When you are true self, you have a standpoint outside your mind and the ability to notice what is happening within it.
  • How to decide what to do with thoughts and feelings: by being able to notice thoughts and feelings as they occur while still remaining true self.
  • How to be true self: by experiencing life as it is through your senses. This is the state from which mastering the mind happens.
  • How to retain mastery of the mind in tough real-life situations: practice being true self in real-life situations.
  • How to practice: focus on the present situation as it is using only your senses. When you notice a thought occurring, let it go and continue using only your senses.
  • What practicing looks like in action: using only your senses in everyday situations like driving, drinking coffee, using the toilet, eating or doing formal meditation.
  • Why using only senses helps: your senses are sensors which perceive life as it is without any overlay of thought. This state allows you to be true self.
  • End result: enjoy calmness and the ability to do more things you fancy!

Our courses provide detailed instructions on how to achieve this.

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